Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome to our online photography club!

The mission of this club is to share our photography and skills with each other, like-minded photography enthusiasts, and to have fun taking pictures. All levels of photographers are invited to join, from the very skilled to the very new.

Here are the guidelines:

1. A topic will be posted on the first of every month, and you have until the last day of that month to submit your entry.

2. Winners will be selected by majority vote, and you cannot vote for your own entry. The moderator will ensure that this rule is followed.

3. You have all month to email your photos to the moderator. Only one entry per month, per person.

4. Photos will be posted in the blog anonymously and all photographer identities will be revealed after the winner is selected.

5. Positive feedback and comments only!

6. If you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them.

7. The monthly contest is closed to entries at 11:59 pm of the last day of the month.

8. HOW TO ENTER: Email your hi-res photo to pixxelface@gmail.com by 11:59 pm the last day of each month. Your photo must pertain to the monthly topic, which will be posted on the first day of each month. Entries will be posted on the first day of each month for voting.

9. HOW TO VOTE: Entries will be posted on the first day of each month. Post a comment to that month's topic containing the number of your favorite photo. Votes must be submitted by the 4th of each month. The winner will be announced on the 5th.

9.5 Feel free to expand on why you chose that photo as your favorite.

10. Submitted photos must have been taken by you. We're operating on the honor system here, so we're relying on your honesty and the karma train that punishes the deceitful with it's steely wheels of doom.

11. If you have a photo that you took previously that would work with the topic, feel free to use that as your entry. However, we encourage you to take new photos with the topic in mind as the point of this club is to take pictures.

Enjoy, good luck, and WELCOME!
